Newsweek (Digital) – College Subscription Services, LLC

College Subscription Services, LLC

Newsweek (Digital)

$ 29.99 Cover Price $ 399.50

Newsweek magazine has a long-standing tradition of providing readers with the most updated information on the most pressing issues affecting our nation and world today. Newsweek is able to fill the gaps when a story has passed and is able to come up with insight or synthesis that connects the cracking, confusing digital dots in today's fast paced news cycle. Topics regularly covered include politics and government, business and entertainment, health and nutrition, science and technology, money and culture.

This is for the Newsweek app.  After payment is processed by the publisher, you will me emailed instructions on creating an account directly from the publisher.

Shipping Info
Requires a valid email address for delivery.  Please allow 3-5 weeks for delivery from the publisher.

Renewal Restrictions
Per the publisher, please allow a minimum of 90 days to same name and/or delivery address for renewals

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